Friday, December 29, 2006

Tyson, Life Wasted

Mike Tyson, so much talent as a boxer, became rich, then beyond hope. He was once probably the most menacing man on the planet, and now in middle age, a sad case of a life wasted.

Well, he was arrested.

Mike Tyson faces serious drug charges after being arrested in Buckeye, Arizona with two bags of white powder that he said was cocaine. According to the police, he said he was "an addict and had a problem."

For everything, he seems to be man with a good amount of intelligence, but he's also got severe mental problems. I saw the Buster Douglas Fight with my uncle on TV when I was 10 where he got knocked out and his legend died. He predicted at the time Tyson was done.

He was right. If he's indeed sick, he needs help and to be away from society for a while.

At this point, he may be too far gone. What a tragedy.

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