Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Five Places Baseball Fans Visit Frequently

#1 - The Local Stadium

It’s hard to ‘root root root’ for the home team if you’re not actually there to root for your local heroes. If you’re in New York, ‘local’ becomes a little bit of a misnomer, since technically you’re sharing your hometown heroes with millions of other locals. But for people in towns and smaller cities, the minor league team could be the big thing, and you can really rope them in as your home team. A visit at least once a season is in order for any true baseball fan.

#2 – The Batting Cages

People who love baseball find it difficult to be apart from it for too long. So after the World Series ends, baseball enthusiasts are left staring blankly at walls unless they can find something else to do to fill up the time. Visiting a local batting cage can be fun for friends and family. After all, when you are swinging at high speed pitches being thrown at you by a pitching machine, you may almost feel like you’re a pro yourself. Well, at least while you’re delusional from your baseball game deprivation during the off-season.

#3 – School Fields

If you’re near a high school or college, chances are they have their own school baseball teams. Baseball is great to watch at the high school or college level because it doesn’t get nearly the attention that football or basketball often get, leaving you with great house seats whenever you want them. Sure, you won’t want to show up alone if you’re a single 45 year old man to watch the JV team play, but if you have friends and family willing to come along, that can erase the weirdness and help you get your baseball fill whenever you need it.

#4 – The Shopping Mall

No baseball fan has completed his ensemble until he’s hiked a pair of baseball socks up to his knees and sported a brightly colored version of his favorite team’s cap. Of course baseball isn’t all about the commercial aspect, but it’s hard to say you’re a bigger Orioles fan than another guy if he’s wearing the hat and you don’t have anything to show for yourself. Granted, if you want to show anyone up, just flash him recent ticket stubs to the big games, and you’ll show your competitor who really loves the game and who is just a novice fan.

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