Monday, April 5, 2010

Baltimore United: A 2010 Missive

Ladies and Gentlemen. Friends, well-wishers, Baltimoreans, internet.

I stand before you today, not as a cheerleader, but as a leader. For too long my friends the Orioles and their fans have been at the bottom of the ranks in baseball. We have been laughed at, ridiculed and mocked. We suffer constant assaults on our character and persons when certain other teams come to town. And when we have the unmitigated termerity to stand up for ourselveswe are lambasted and called "un-American."

Why? Because we are tired of being oppressed? Are we "un-American" because we failed to properly curtsy as the lesser-nobility that make the Yankees come to town? Because we haven't been properly assimilated into the unstoppable marketing juggernaut that is the Red Sox Collective?

If that is the way some wish to view us, then so be it.

We are unique. We are strong. We are Baltimore.

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