Sunday, April 1, 2007

Fan Fest: The Autograph Session, Pictures and Slideshow

I didn't even attempt to do this. Sorry, there just way too many people and I don't have the patience to wait for umpteen minutes for a John Hancock. With the exception of a few Orioles, I have most of the current squad on a team ball. Besides if I want or need anyone, I can go and wait for the players before and after the game as they are leaving the stadium during the season.
As you see by the images, there was a large crowd to get autographs for the boys in Black and Orange.

I was not able to get any closer because there were just so many people there and the ushers were being real strict.

However, I am just thankful I had a zoom lens (100-400mm) with a 2x converter, as that made life a whole lot easier.

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