Sunday, April 1, 2007

Fan Fest: Over and Done...

Fanfest is done. The staff at Camden Yards kicked us all out at around 4ish, but I hung around for a bit and chatted with some friends I know and have met over time at Camden Yards.

I'm eating dinner in the Harbor and going through some photos. According to Roch Kubatko in his blog, Roch Around the Clock, Fan Fest this year drew about 10,000 in light of the weather being gloomy and in the mid 50's out (It felt colder than that).

The autograph lines were long, but according to some people I talked to, the lines were shorter than when it was held in the Convention Center.

I'm going through some pictures shots in Photoshop & will have some of them uploaded in a bit, plus some summary, so give me a few minutes.

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