Friday, December 7, 2007

The Return of the American Gladiators

The American Gladiators are returning, and this time it will air during Primetime on NBC.

Ah, I remember the pumped up muscle men and women in shiny spandex who took on average, everyday athletic Americans in competitions like Powerball, Asssualt, and the Eliminator. The Gladiators would whoop on the contenders, and they would throw them around like rag dolls.

Sometimes the competitors would win, and act all exuberant.

The new edition will be hosted by wrestler Hulk Hogan and boxer Laila Ali.

I thought the show was cool for it's time, but now, the concept is a little outdated and perhaps a tad silly. However, considering all the fare on television, it might be fun to partake in mindless entertainment.

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Royal Rooters said...

If any of you have some free time, please check out this article I wrote on Jon Lester. I’m hoping for some feedback from fans who don’t like the Red Sox. Thank you to those of you who take the time to read it.

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