Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Gary Matthews Breaks His Silence...

Well, looks like Gary Matthews has broken his silence after almost 2 plus weeks of silence and lawyering himself up.

He denied ever taking HGH, or human growth hormone.

From ESPN: "I have never taken HGH -- during the 2004 season or any other time. Nobody has accused me of doing so, and no law enforcement authority has said I am a target of any investigation for doing so," Matthews said in a statement released by the team.

He also added, ” "Before saying anything publicly I wanted to make absolutely sure of my ground. In particular, I needed to try to learn whether anybody in authority -- in or out of baseball -- felt they had reason to accuse me of anything with regard to HGH. If they did, I would have to deal with that.” … "It has taken me, and those representing me, 16 days to make certain that's not the case. And that is why it has taken longer than I would have preferred to make a public statement," Matthews said.

Again, Gary if you didn’t take HGH or whatever, then why was your name in a database?


Anonymous said...

Wait a minute....

It took him 16 days to determing if anyone, baseball or government, had any kind of case against him?

Seems to me that if you're 100% innocent that you should feel pretty comfortable coming out right away and saying, "I'm innocent!" without fear that you're wrong.

I'm not advocating fascist nonsense like saying if you're innocent you have nothing to hide and should therefore be open to being searched...that's just fear tactic insanity.

But if you are innocent, it sure shouldn't take 16 days to convince yourself that your'e innocent!

Unknown said...


Innocent people maybe get lawyers, but innocent people also scream to the top of their lungs that they are so...

What Gary Matthews is doing is the classic sign of a guilty person (ok, I cannot prove it), but something is really off in this situation.

Sooze said...

You hit the nail right on the head, Oriole Magic!

He's obviously got something to hide - he was afterall, on their client list.

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