Saturday, March 3, 2007

More Drug Mess...Jerry Hairston

Yet, another balplayer has been implicated in latest drug scandal. Jerry Hairston is the latest name to be dragged into the mud.

Here’s the latest from CNNsi:

“Hairston, a former Oriole, is a third-generation major leaguer who also has played parts of nine seasons with the Cubs and the Rangers. He was traded to Chicago with two minor leaguers for Sammy Sosa in January 2005.

Hairston got a prescription for human growth hormone in May 2004 from a doctor jailed in the case, reported, citing a law enforcement document its reporters saw. The drugs were sent from Applied Pharmacy Services in Mobile, Ala., whose owners reportedly have been indicted by an Albany County (N.Y.) grand jury.

Hairston, who could not be reached for comment yesterday by the Associated Press, told he was "baffled" that he'd been connected to the investigation.” (the Baltimore Sun)

Of course, he issues the standard denial, pretty much the standard operating procedure in this situation:

"I have no idea what this is about. I'm really in the dark," Hairston told "Not one time have I taken steroids or anything like that.

It’s pretty obvious that drug use is rampant in sports and especially in baseball. Well, it’s about time that Bud Selig do something and do a comprehensive testing program along with lay own the hammer on anyone who test positive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"It’s pretty obvious that drug use is rampant in sports and especially in baseball"

It's still (and always has been) a much, much larger problem in the NFL then it will or ever will be in MLB - in actuality. However, it seems most fans will turn the other way when it comes to the NFL.


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